We have a new parenting resource for you to share!
That’s right! We have an exciting new tool to help parents in the fight against Internet pornography.
We have said it before, but it’s worth repeating: the best way to fight an on online pornography addiction is to stop it before it begins.

How can you do that?

  • Have age appropriate conversations with your kids.
  • Making sure you’re up-to-date with the technology your children are using.
  • Taking an active role in what your children are pursuing online.
  • Providing your children with tools to make healthy decisions online.
As a parent it can be hard to know where to begin. Let us help you!
The answer to how to begin and so many more can be found in our new e-book Parenting the Internet Generation: A Blueprint for Teaching Digital Discernment.

This comprehensive e-book gives parents practical teaching about a Godly self-image, sexuality, shame, sin, media literacy, and parental controls, all wrapped up in the beauty of the Gospel.
Parenting the Internet Generation Includes age-specific conversation guides about sex and technology for pre-school through high school.
As an affiliate you can give parents an upper hand in this battle that is being fought right in their own home. Share Parenting the Internet Generation with your followers today!
Amanda Powell
Affiliate Partnership Coordinator
Toll-free 1.877.479.1119 ext 8097