with Douglas Jacoby
15 May 2024
Good morning from Dubai, United Arab Emirates!
I’m returning home to England from a rewarding Middle East tour. Highlights, apart from abundant fellowship, and exploring the great cities of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and Dubai (UAE), include:
- Seekers significantly outnumbering the Christian brothers and sisters in Riyadh. An encouraging beginning to my first time in Saudi Arabia!
- Preaching before an audience of 200 from Abu Dhabi and Dubai (with citizens of Singapore, England, Kenya, and Russia also sprinkled among the crowd).
- Zoom lessons on "When God Is Silent" (the problem of suffering)—viewed in India, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE.
- Warm and meaningful time with Gulf church leaders (joyfully serving even though unpaid for their service).
- The gratitude of all for materials provided free of charge by the International Bible Teaching Ministry—books, online access, webinars, materials, commentary—to bolster their grip on God’s Word. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please scroll down. (Total need = a little over $6000.)
Riyadh, largest city (7m) & capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Qur’an: Before 1924 there was no standard text! / The old fort of Al Bujairi / Dubai, most populous city (6m) of the UAE / Central Dubai / DNA Bank, Museum of the Future
Q: I have never been a boxing fan, but I have to admit when I saw a promo for Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul, I was intrigued, and kind of want to watch the fight. What are your thoughts on grown men hitting each other for money? — A.M.
A: I understand the draw. Nearly everybody enjoys sports. We gravitate towards champions—and underdogs—whether in hard competitions, like rugby or gentler ones, like golf. But few followers of Christ have thought biblically about the implications.
Photo credit: Mikey Williams
Maybe you know nothing about Islam, and this volume is your first introduction to the religion. Or perhaps, at the other end of the spectrum, you have taken a university-level class on Islam and seek to expand your knowledge.
Maybe you’re a Westerner who is apprehensive about Islam. You worry about what is going to happen to this world, and this fear has impelled you to increase your understanding.
Or perhaps you are a Muslim. You follow the Qur’an, and have purchased Jesus & Islam out of personal interest. I am sure you will be reading with a critical eye to see if what I say is fair. I hope you will feel free to send any input, whether personal reflections or suggestions for future editions.
Our hope and prayer are that Jesus and Islam will stimulate every reader to deeper thought—and even some soul-searching.
CLICK HERE for your complimentary copy. Website members only. Others, please first sign up at the homepage (at Join the Website).
Vicki—my inspiration as well as the primary creative resource in the International Bible Teaching Ministry—has recorded another podcast in her series Women of Worth.
Access HERE.
Today begins a series of cool quotes on the topic of the mind. How do you like these?
- The fellow who boasts about his open mind may only have a vacant one.
- Some things have to be put off dozens of times before they completely slip our minds.
- Quite often when a man thinks his mind is getting broader, it is only his conscience stretching.
If you have any really good quotations, esp. related to developing Christian character, thinking biblically about the world, etc., please feel free to send them in. (Reply to this e-newsletter without history.) Thanks.
For teaching materials in the Middle East, needs include the following, PLEASE DONATE!
Bahrain—$438—received: $100
- Kuwait—$1000—received: $100
- Oman—$140—received: $100
- Qatar—$1040—received: $100
- Saudi Arabia—$1643—received: $300
- United Arab Emirates—$3267—received: $200
If you can help, please donate (any amount you choose) HERE. In the drop-down menu, click on Teaching Materials, then in the Memo box write the name of the country where you’d like your gift to go.
Shokran! — Douglas