The attached paper is devoted to a study of the most frequently used Hebrew words in the OT. A final chapter will be devoted to a critical appraisal of the significance of my findings to the formulation of a biblical theology of Christian education. It is the thesis of this paper that these words contribute at least twelve points to a biblical theology of Christian education. Those points are that a Biblical theology of Christian education (1) needs to have as its major emphasis teaching students the way of establishment or reestablishment of one’s relationship with YHWH, (2) needs to emphasize that Christian education is to be intentional and deliberate, (3) needs to embody an intent to spread the knowledge of God to all peoples, (4) needs to emphasize that knowledge of God comes from a student’s personal/relational experience of God’s character and submission to him, (5) needs to uphold the place of verbal instruction of the word of God, (6) needs to emphasize that the goal of Christian education is a change of heart as well as obedience, (7) needs to hold that students be taught by Christian teachers if that education is to be Christian, (8) needs to include the necessity of instilling in students a respect for God and others in authority...
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