Good morning from Atlanta!
Thank you for all the positive responses to last week’s Once Saved, Always Saved? Some are watching the video in small groups, others as entire churches, breaking up the program into two parts. For some viewers this is highly controversial material, and we hope our presentation has been respectful and winsome for all who hold to “Once Saved, Always Saved.”
We hope you enjoy this week’s bulletin. The most important section is the following.
Living N.T. Commentary—Free for all Website Members
Today we’re thrilled to announce a great resource for your Bible study. The Living New Testament Commentary takes us through every passage in the N.T.
The commentary is free for all website members. (It’s included in your subscription.) Vicki and I explain this resource, and why we’re so excited about it, in a short explanatory video. Please watch the video HERE.
Did Jesus Speak Greek?
Q: Apart from on a few occasions where Jesus’s words are given in Aramaic (for example Mark 5:41; 7:34; 15:34) all four Gospels report Jesus’s words in Greek. So did Jesus speak Greek, or do we only have his speech in translation?
A: Many scholars still maintain that Jesus spoke only Aramaic, but discoveries since the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 demonstrate the use of both Hebrew and Greek alongside Aramaic in Roman Palestine.
KEEP READING (Guest Q&A from Peter Williams, Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge)
Chesterton Wit, Continued
For your consideration, the insightful Chesterton quotations continue.
- There are an infinity of angles at which one falls, only one at which one stands.
- There are some desires that are not desirable. – Orthodoxy
- To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it. – “The War of the Usurpers,” A Short History of England
Until Next Week…
Next week, in Conversation 15, we discuss legitimate and illegitimate authority in the church. We’ll also learn about the Septuagint—the Greek Bible used by the vast majority of Christians in the early centuries AD.
Until then, thanks for all your prayers and support!
The Newsletter of IBTM
with Douglas Jacoby
Good morning from Atlanta!
We hope you enjoy this week’s bulletin. The most important section is the following.
Living N.T. Commentary—Free for all Website Members
The commentary is free for all website members. (It’s included in your subscription.) Vicki and I explain this resource, and why we’re so excited about it, in a short explanatory video. Please watch the video HERE.
Did Jesus Speak Greek?
A: Many scholars still maintain that Jesus spoke only Aramaic, but discoveries since the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 demonstrate the use of both Hebrew and Greek alongside Aramaic in Roman Palestine.
KEEP READING (Guest Q&A from Peter Williams, Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge)
Chesterton Wit, Continued
For your consideration, the insightful Chesterton quotations continue.
Next week, in Conversation 15, we discuss legitimate and illegitimate authority in the church. We’ll also learn about the Septuagint—the Greek Bible used by the vast majority of Christians in the early centuries AD.
Until then, thanks for all your prayers and support!
Categories: Articles | Tags: commentary, greek, Living, peter williams