
Reclaiming the Space Between Doubt and Dogmatism

The Christian life requires faith. That means that believers are sometimes faced with uncertainty. But is all uncertainty bad?

Theologian Joshua McNall encourages readers to reclaim the little word “perhaps” as a sacred space between the warring extremes of unchecked doubt and zealous dogmatism. To say “perhaps” on certain contested topics means exercising a hopeful imagination, asking hard questions, returning once again to Scripture, and reclaiming the place of holy speculation as we cling to a faith that stands distinct from both pervasive skepticism and abrasive certainty.


“In a polarized world with the rigidity of fundamentalisms on the one hand and the nihilism of skepticisms on the other, McNall enters to sketch a way forward for the holiness of intellectual humility. This is a creative book that not only argues winsomely from Scripture, theology, and literature, but also invites the reader into a narrative that portrays how the weight of its claims press on everyday life. Perhaps will be especially helpful for the student wrestling with the challenges of Christian orthodoxy, and all looking for breathing room to wonder, hope, and ultimately, trust.”

— James M. Arcadi, associate professor of biblical and systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Find Perhaps at AmazonInterVarsity Press, and other major booksellers.

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