I have become curious about the "lost tribes" of Israel and the connection with Europe, Britain, and the USA inferred by some groups. What do they base this idea on and what are your thoughts on the issue? If the viewpoint is a distorted one (my current presumption), what is the motivation for the misinterpretation?
I cannot speak on the motivation that drives people to speculate about the lost tribes--maybe it's a desire to support racial supremacy of one kind or another, which is a common motive in religion. The scriptures teach that the tribe of Judah (along with Benjamin and Levi) remained true to the Lord for many years, while all the others strayed. The lost tribes were not lost to the New World or to the western limit of the Old World. They were lost through intermarriage! See 2 Kings 17. This was in the 8th century BC. Hope that helps!
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