What are those references to in Hebrews 11? Where can we read about someone being sawn in two? Who refused to be released to obtain a better resurrection? I can't seem to find the references anywhere in my Bible.
The reason you cannot find the passages is that the references are extrabiblical literature. (Extra means "outside," so extrabiblical means "outside the Bible.") The reference to the "better resurrection" seems to be referring to the second century BC account in 2 Maccabees 7, the martyrdom of the mother and her seven sons. The books of the Maccabees have in fact been included in Catholic Bibles since around 400 AD, though Protestants reject them. I think it goes without saying that a book need not be completely true to be of value. There is much in the Apocrypha that is of great historical value, even though many parts of the apocryphal writings fall short in the areas of accuracy and inspiration. For more on the Apocrypha, please read what I have already written on the subject.
As for the question about the poor fellow who was sawn in two, the source is The Martyrdom of Isaiah. Here I find "Because of these visions, therefore, Beliar was angry with Isaiah, and he dwelt in the heart of Manasseh, and he sawed Isaiah in half with a wood saw" (Martydom of Isaiah 5:1).
Of course it is possible someone else was sawn in two, but based on the limited information we have, Isaiah seems to be our best bet. For a complete collection of the pseudepigraphal (from the Greek for "false authorship") works, see the two volume set, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, edited by James H. Charlesworth (Doubleday, 1983).
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