I was wondering about Luke 19:10. I have heard many say Jesus came "to seek and save the lost," when in fact I haven't found a translation that says that. It says "to seek and save that which was lost." I believe what was lost was the kingdom and the proper attitude towards God's reign, exemplified in Zacchaeus. The fact that this attitude was lost is implied, because Jesus goes right into a parable about the kingdom. Then a few chapters later he enters Jerusalem on the donkey and eventually takes his place at the right hand of God. I believe there it is a reference to the time God's people rejected God's leadership, back in the days of Samuel, in 1 Samuel 8. Now God wants to restore that reign back into the hearts of people. That is my view. I was wondering what you thought. -- Zachary DeWees (Flagstaff)
I like your idea, but I think it is a bit speculative. I think it is safer to take our cue from Luke himself, since this is his gospel. In chapter 15 we learn a lot about the heart of God. He yearns for his lost son to return home, and gives him a rich welcome. In the same chapter we see read of the search for the lost sheep and the lost coin. Besides, the Greek expression to apololós can be translated "the lost" or "what was lost." Both are admissible.
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