Greetings from Mumbai. It is so fullfilling to read all the Q&As at your website. Currently I am using commentaries from E-Sword, and for the New Testament, Matthew Henry's. However, I am not sure which commentary would be most suitable for the Old Testament. Do you have any suggestions? -- Sachin Joshi (Mumbai, India)
Reply from Joey Harris:
For the New Testament, I like Tom Wright's "For Everyone" commentary series. There is a different volume (occasionally two) for each book of the New Testament. They are small paperback books, like Barclay's commentaries, but written very recently. Just go to and look up Tom Wright (aka N.T. Wright, when he writes heavier books of theology). You can check with me if you want to make sure you have the correct book links when you find them. For the Old Testament, the Tyndale Commentary series is a pretty good one. If you're looking for single-volume commentaries, then try the NIV New Testament Commentary and the NIV Old Testament Commentary. They have multi-volume and single-volume versions and you should be able to find them on Amazon.
Another reader suggests:
I like this the commentary from James Burton Coffman.