Test your knowledge of one of the major world religions. If we are to love and influence all nations for Christ, it's vital we have at least a basic knowledge of their beliefs. The following quiz is on Islam.
- In Islam, God is referred to as Allah: True / False
- Where did Muhammad live? a. Arabia b. Argentina c. Alaska d. Azerbaijan
- Muslims accept Jesus as a legitimate prophet: True / False
- Which is longer, the Qur'an or the New Testament?
- Muhammad lived in the ___ century AD.
- In Islam, Jesus is considered to be sinless: True / False
- Muslims reject Jesus' second coming: True / False
- Which of these statements is correct, based on the Qur'an? a. Jesus did miracles, Muhammad did not. b. Muhammad did miracles, Jesus did not. c. Neither performed miracles. d. Both performed miracles.
- The angel that spoke to Muhammad was Gabriel: True / False
- Who is the only woman named in the Qur'an?
- According to classical Islam, women are half as intelligent as men: True / False
What is the Arabic word for struggle, usually in the context of holy war?
- The Five Pillars of Islam include Confession, Almsgiving, Pilgrimage, and ____.
- Most Muslims speak: a. Arabic b. English c. Farsi d. none of the preceding
- Most Muslims live in a. Asia b. Africa c. the Middle East d. Europe
- When did the Muslims rule Spain? a. 700s-1400s b. 800s-1300s c. 1200s-1300s d. 1500s-1900s
- What does Islamic law require for any male who abandons the faith? a. flogging b. banishment c. execution d. public rebuke
- Islam is the dominant religion of all the following nations except: a. Iran b. Iraq c. India d. Pakistan
- Contributions of Islam to human knowledge include, among other things, advances in mathematics, architecture, and astronomy: True / False
- Approximately what percentage of the world is Muslim? a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%
- In Islam, God is referred to as Allah: True
- Where did Muhammad live? a. Arabia b. Argentina c. Alaska d. Azerbaijan
- Muslims accept Jesus as a legitimate prophet: True. They also accept the Virgin Birth of Jesus—and more.
- Which is longer, the Qur'an or the New Testament? The Qur'an is about 80% the length of the NT.
- Muhammad lived in the ___ century AD. He lived 570-622 AD.
- In Islam, Jesus is considered to be sinless: True
- Muslims reject Jesus' second coming: False
- Which of these statements is correct, based on the Qur'an? a. Jesus did miracles, Muhammad did not. b. Muhammad did miracles, Jesus did not. c. Neither performed miracles. d. Both performed miracles.
- The angel that spoke to Muhammad was Gabriel: True
- Who is the only woman named in the Qur'an? Miriam, the mother of Jesus and sister of Moses (!)
- According to classical Islam, women are half as intelligent as men: True. Several passages in the Hadith make this claim.
- What is the Arabic word for struggle, usually in the context of holy war? Jihad
- The Five Pillars of Islam include Confession, Almsgiving, Pilgrimage, and ____. Prayer (at least 3x/day in the Qur'an, 5x in the Hadith
- Most Muslims speak: a. Arabic b. English c. Farsi d. none of the preceding. Many speak Bahasa, Bangla, Farsi, Turkish, Urdu...
- Most Muslims live in a. Asia b. Africa c. the Middle East d. Europe
- When did the Muslims rule Spain? a. 700s-1400s b. 800s-1300s c. 1200s-1300s d. 1500s-1900s
- What does Islamic law require for any male who abandons the faith? a. flogging b. banishment c. execution d. public rebuke Female apostates, according to some schools of Islamic Jurisprudence, may receive life in prison instead.
- Islam is the dominant religion of all the following nations except: a. Iran b. Iraq c. India d. Pakistan Although there are well over 100m Muslims in India, this nation of 1b+ is predominantly Hindu.
- Contributions of Islam to human knowledge include, among other things, advances in mathematics, architecture, and astronomy: True
- Approximately what percentage of the world is Muslim? a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%
If you did fairly well on the previous quiz, you might want to try your hand at a more difficult test.
- The leader of global Islam was historically the a. Caliph b. Imam c. Sheikh d. Sultan
- In which year (AD) does the Islamic calendar begin? a. 622 b. 632 c.700 d.740
- The Qur’an teaches over 100 times that Allah is compassionate: True / False
- What was the name of Muhammad’s first wife? a. Khadijah b. Aisha c. Wa’ah-la d. Zaynab
- What is the Arabic form of the name of Jesus? a. Yasus b. Isa c. Hesha’ d. Yashua’
- The mystical order / movement within Islam: a. Sunnis b. Shi’a c. Sufis d. Assassins
- Who was Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law? a. Aziz b. Ali c. Ahmet d. Alfonse
- During what years was Spain Muslim? a. 632-1005 b. 711-1492 c. 730-1122 d. none of the preceding
- The Arabian tribes of Muhammad’s day were mainly polytheistic: True / False
- Istanbul’s Hagia Sofia has recently been converted from a museum to a mosque: True / False
- Which of the following countries is not mainly Muslim? a. Morocco b. Mali c. Malawi d. Mauretania
- Which of the following countries is mainly Muslim? a. Belgium b. Brunei c. Belarus d. Bavaria
- The Qur’an has ___ surahs: a. 99 b. 111 c. 114 d. 155
- The longest surah by far is surah a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
- How many names is Allah said to have? a. 1000 b. 99 c. 40 d. 19
- Wahabi and Salafi are subsects of ____ Islam. a. Sunni b. Shi’a c. Kalam d. Isma’ili
- The “Satanic verses” were originally part of the Qur’an: True / False
- Strict Muslims eat only food that is a. hireq b. halal c. hijra d. kosher
- One who has memorized the Qur’an is a a. hadji b. hafiz c. hijab d. hawanz
- The 3 holiest cities of Islam are: a. Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem b. Mecca, Tehran, Baghdad c. Medina, Cairo, Riyadh d. Riyadh, Mecca, Jedda
- The leader of global Islam was historically the a. Caliph b. Imam c. Sheikh d. Sultan
- In which year (AD) does the Islamic calendar begin? a. 622 b. 632 c. 700 d. 740 (632 was the year of Muhammad's death.)
- The Qur’an teaches over 100 times that Allah is compassionate: True / False
- What was the name of Muhammad’s first wife? a. Khadijah b. Aisha c. Wa’ah-la d. Zaynab. Among his many other wives, Aisha was probably the favourite (and youngest).
- What is the Arabic form of the name of Jesus? a. Yasus b. Isa c. Hesha’ d. Yashua’
- The mystical order / movement within Islam: a. Sunnis b. Shi’a c. Sufis d. Assassins
- Who was Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law? a. Aziz b. Ali c. Ahmet d. Alfonse
- During what years was Spain Muslim? a. 632-1005 b.711-1492 c. 730-1122 d. none of the preceding
- The Arabian tribes of Muhammad’s day were mainly polytheistic: True / False There were, however, also many Jews and sectarian Christians in Arabia at that time.
- Istanbul’s Hagia Sofia has recently been converted from a museum to a mosque: True / False
- Which of the following countries is not mainly Muslim? a. Morocco b. Mali c. Malawi d. Mauretania Malawi is in Southern Africa. Islam dominates the north of the continent.
- Which of the following countries is mainly Muslim? a. Belgium b. Brunei c. Belarus d. Bavaria
- The Qur’an has ___ surahs: a. 99 b. 111 c. 114 d. 155
- The longest surah by far is surah a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
- How many names is Allah said to have? a. 1000 b. 99 c. 40 d. 19
- Wahabi and Salafi are subsects of ____ Islam. a. Sunni b. Shi’a c. Kalam d. Isma’ili
- The “Satanic verses” were originally part of the Qur’an: True / False
- Strict Muslims eat only food that is a. hireq b. halal c. hijra d. kosher
- One who has memorized the Qur’an is a a. hadji b. hafiz c. hijab d. hawanz
- The 3 holiest cities of Islam are: a. Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem b. Mecca, Tehran, Baghdad c. Medina, Cairo, Riyadh d. Riyadh, Mecca, Jedda