"Happy New Year!"
I hope you had a cracking Christmas, but also a wonderful New Year. It's two days into 2021, the sun is shining outside my window, and God is God!
I have seen far too many headlines and memes over the last few days bemoaning 2020 and hoping that 2021 will be better. Granted, there were many things last year that were messed up and unpleasant. However, God was in it all.
I do not know if 2021 will be 'better' than last year. That's a difficult thing to describe. What I do know is God is with us on the journey. As I begin a particular focus on Abraham, one thing I notice is that his life was in much better shape when he journeyed with God, rather than gave into his fears. Perhaps we need the experience of Paul,
"...the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”” (Acts 23:11 NIV11)
I pray for you that you have sufficient courage, from the Lord, to embrace the faith challenges of the year ahead. Please, I beg you, pray that prayer for me also.
Due to the magic of pre-recording, there is plenty on my website, podcast feed, and YouTube channel to enjoy it. The particular focus is planning for the year ahead in speaking, reading and spiritual wellbeing.
I hope you find these resources helpful.
God bless, Malcolm