IBTM funded approximately 20 men and women to share in the 2024 Antioch Seminar. These are all involved in some way in the global teaching ministry. Participants hailed from India, the Philippines, Estonia, Colombia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Jordan, Iraq, France, South Africa, and Jamaica.
Training is an significant part of our ministry. The recent event, held in Turkey and Cyprus, included lectures, on-site talks, and multiple opportunities to interact with world-class scholars. The cost was $2000/person. The event was arranged through Tutku Educational Travel.
Following are some of the brothers' and sisters' reactions—including profuse thanks to you for your part in funding their participation.
I stand in ever-increasing awe of Jesus, whose love and life called Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark to walk this arid, often mountainous terrain while spreading the gospel of Jesus. Navigating the same streets they walked and standing on the shore where they set sail brought everything to life for me.
- We were privileged to learn from renowned New Testament scholars and historians. The discussions, questions, answers, sharing of meals, talking, praying, laughing, swimming in the Mediterranean, and even occasional tears throughout the week were highlights for many of us.
- My life was enriched. “Thank you,” whether spoken in Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, or any other language cannot sufficiently express the gratitude I feel for this opportunity.
- What an amazing blessing! Antioch, Tarsus and Cyprus were high points: I can now visualise these spaces as I read the biblical passages relating to them. I am now able to make connections based on distance, topography, and history, which were not possible before. This will make be a better preacher and teacher. Thanks to you and IBTM for all you are doing.
- An enjoyable mix of learning from excellent speakers and visits to ancient archaeological sites and museums…
- A tour I’ll never forget… I felt really encouraged to be in a company of people who deeply love the Bible and want to understand it even better.
- The sites we visited, explanations with background stories we heard and dusty roads made the Bible even more alive! For me as a student of theology and the Word, the Antioch Seminar proved to be a meeting point with old friends and like-minded people in our churches, leading to inspiring discussions about the Bible and learning from each other’s teaching ministries. The trip was especially encouraging to me, after some rough years – mentally, emotionally and physically. I hadn’t imagined how exciting the atmosphere of learning and fellowship turned out to be—like glimpse of heaven!
- The Turkey / Cyprus Biblical Study Tour has been a wonderful time of learning and fellowship for me. As an apprentice Teacher, it has been so helpful to sit at the feet of teachers from around the ICOC world, together with professors and teachers from 20 other Christian denominations.
Standing on the beach of Salamis, I was transported to the nervous excitement of Barnabas and Saul arriving at the first stop on their first missionary journey, with courage and faith that the people of Cyprus would listen to the gospel of Christ. This energy—this perspective—is something we desperately need today… Thanks to your supporters and benefactors for allowing this to happen!
- The high-quality presentations by world renowned academics in their various fields were exceptional. For me there were three stand-out lectures. (1) Dana Harris on “Why they were called Christians first at Antioch.” (2) Ben Witherington’s lecture, which made archaeology come alive as he walked us through Paul’s first missionary journey. (3) Dr Jacoby’s lecture on “The church at Antioch: Polity, Planning & Providence” was not only academically enlightening. The practical theology gleaned from Antioch church is highly relevant to our local church, and to our broader fellowship.
- I’m so appreciative of the sponsorship afforded to me by you and the International Teaching Ministry, enabling me to attend this tour that I would not have otherwise been able to afford. I am humbled by the experience, and feel profoundly grateful for the fountain of knowledge I’ve been able to drink deep from, and which will enhance my Bible teaching in the weeks, months and years to come.
- Few things are as faith-building as exploring a biblical land. Scripture comes to life, and places and stories become real. What were previously just words on a page become convictions of the heart. I am immensely grateful for this opportunity afforded me. My cup is full! I am super-grateful to IBTM’s supporters for making this possible.
- We truly appreciate the chance to attend this highly educational tour. Please thank all the donors who made our attendance possible. May God continue to bless you and lend to your ministry exponential impact.
- It was a dream come true for me to set my foot on the trails of Paul and Peter. The Antioch meeting helped me to see the role and fruit of research and scholarly labour. The seminar widened my understanding of cultural and historical context and implications for homiletics and interpretation. The fellowship was wonderful, and meeting scholars from different disciplines was enriching—and pastorally practical.
- I wouldn’t imagined in a million years I'd have this opportunity, provided by Douglas´ teaching ministry. The scholarly teaching was insightful and inspiring. This knowledge was not only from the podium but along the way at each moment of the tour… As a friend and student of Douglas for many years, this tour is a testimony to how he has traveled throughout the world, not just teaching, but building long-lasting mutual relationships.
- The meeting was inspiring and deeply informative—a valuable opportunity to meet old friends and new acquaintances from different Christian backgrounds, as well as to understand the dynamics of Christianity in different parts of the world. I am deeply appreciative to IBTM's supporters.