The #1 question I’ve gotten since launching Discipleship.Org is this:

You’re telling me that there’s a REAL way you can make disciples that make disciples— how is that even possible?

I know it sounds unbelievable. And I would have asked the EXACT same question before I began talking with my friend Robby Gallaty about his scalable, reproducible disciple making process.
His process is pretty simple...and it only requires a couple of simple steps...and it can be implemented at any church...

His disciple making process has helped tons of churches. So, if you want to see it live, in action, then Thursday is your lucky day.

Thursday, August 30th at 1PM CDT I’ll be hosting a live webinar with the one and only Robby Gallaty as the speaker. In the webinar, Robby will show you behind-the-scenes of the actual disciple making process fueling church growth across the nation.

Plus, he’ll be giving you his BLUEPRINT so you can implement his simple system into your own church.

WARNING: We only have 100 seats available through our Zoom account...and we are expecting WAY more than that to register, so here’s what you need to do right now:

Step #2: Show Up 10-15 Minutes Early So You Don’t Lose Your Seat

I’ll see you Thursday afternoon!

Bobby Harrington
Executive Director,